Changes for ISIS Users – things which might affect you!
12 Aug 2014



We are making changes which will affect all ISIS users. These include changes to proposal access routes. We are also relaunching experimental reports, and we are changing some of the travel, subsistence and consumables arrangements for UK users.




This page provides a summary: further details can be found here.

Proposal routes – how to get beamtime

A list of proposal access routes – how to get beamtime –  can be found here.  But, in particular,

•         Rapid Access is available for when you need beamtime for a full proposal more rapidly than you can get it through the normal, direct access (deadline) route.

•         Xpress access is available for very short measurements (a few hours), in principle now on any ISIS instrument.

•         The Programme Access mechanism is being removed. Existing approved programmes will run as they have to the end of their period, but we will not accept any new requests.

•         We are going to provide more guidance on the structure of the 2-page proposal science case which is required when submitting a proposal.

ISIS Experimental Reports  

Experimental reports provide a record of how ISIS beamtime has been used.  Our success rates in receiving these have dropped, and we are wanting to relaunch them to ensure that a report is received for every ISIS experiment, and to make sure that these are available to Facility Access Panels particularly for assessing continuation proposals. 

Changes to travel and subsistence arrangements for UK users  

The following changes for UK users will come into effect from the next proposal round:

•         The maximum number of users supported per experiment will be limited to 3 (from 4) unless a case is made for the higher number.

•         During normal working hours, users arriving at Didcot station will need to take the local bus to RAL if they wish to have their costs reimbursed; users will still be able to take taxis outside of normal working hours.

•         Rules for consumables claims for UK users are changing.  The amounts that can be claimed are being revised, and the rules regarding what can be claimed are clarified.  Please see the ISIS website for details.

If you would like further information, please contact Philip King or Andrew Kaye.
