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Office Phone Number
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LocationR 3, UG. 14
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Telephone (office)+44 (0) 1235 446259
Mobile (short code)1299 (only works when dialed on site)

​Introduction & Profile

  • Lead scientist for Zoom, a polarised, focussing SANS instrument
  • Instrument Scientist on LOQ and SANS2d
  • Visiting Researcher, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
  • Co-organizer of the ISIS Practical Neutron Training Course

Research and development interests

My personal research applies Neutron and X-ray scattering techniques to soft condensed matter and biological sciences, in particular to naturally occurring silk proteins.

Rheology (both shear and extensional flow) of natural and synthetic polymers (including spider silk and liquid crystalline polymers) and surfactant solutions,

Crystallization of polymers and alkanes,  

Dissolution and crystallization of hydrogen bonded polymers and biopolymers

Selected Publications

1.      ‘Small angle neutron scattering of native and reconstituted silk fibroin’ I Greving, C Dicko, AE Terry, P Callow, F Vollrath, Soft Matter 6 (18), 4389-4395 (2010)

2.       ‘Natural and Unnatural Silks’ C Holland, AE Terry, D Porter, F Vollrath, Polymer, 48, 3388-3392 (2007)

3.      ‘Rheological characterisation of native spider and silkworm dope’ C Holland, AE Terry, D Porter, F Vollrath, Nature Materials, 5, 870-874 (2006)

4.      ‘pH induced changes in the rheology of silk fibroin solution from the middle division of Bombyx mori silkworm’. AE Terry, DP Knight, D Porter, F Vollrath, Biomacromolecules, 5 (3), 768-772 (2004)

5.      “Morphological implications of the interphase bridging crystalline and   amorphous regions in semi-crystalline polymers” S Rastogi, AE Terry, Interphases and mesophases in Polymer Crystallization I, Advances in Polymers Science, 180, 161-194 (2005)

6.      ‘A study of thermodynamically favorable crystals in branched polymers: A   disentangled and crystallizable interphase’ A Rastogi, AE Terry, VBF Mathot, S Rastogi, Macromolecules, 38, 4744-4754 (2005)

7.      ‘Dissolution of Hydrogen-Bonded Polymers in Water: A Study of Nylon-4,6’ S Rastogi, AE Terry, E Vinken, Macromolecules, 37(24), 8825-8828 (2004)

8.      ‘Variation of Lattice Parameters with Fold State in the Ultralong n-Alkanes’ TD Lord, JK Hobbs, AE Terry, A Kvick, S Hanna, Macromolecules  43 (7), 3365-3375 (2010)

9.      ‘A real-time WAXS study of crystal thickening in ultra-long alkanes’ AE Terry, TL Phillips, JK Hobbs, Macromolecules, 36(9), 3240-3244 (2003)

10.  ‘In-situ synchrotron study of the solution crystallization of ultra long alkanes from dilute solution’ AE Terry, JK Hobbs, SJ Organ, PJ Barham, Polymer, 44, 3001-3008 (2003)

11.  ‘Effect of shear and extensional flow upon hexagonal surfactant mesophases’ AE Terry, JA Odell, GJ Tiddy, RJ Nicol, JE Wilson, J. Phys. Chem. B, 103, 11218-11226 (1999)

For a full publication list, see ePubs

Visiting Researcher, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
PhD supervisor for Imke Greving (with Fritz Vollrath, Oxford and Cedric Dicko, Lund)
PhD supervisor for Maxime Boulet-Audet (with Fritz Vollrath and Chris Hollan, Oxford)

Grants, awards, teaching and other activities

Current EPSRC Support:

Co-PI: EP/G068224/1 WISS: Why Is Silk Spun? Integrating bio-rheology with advanced spectroscopic techniques

Previous EPSRC Support:

Co-PI: EP/F021860/1 Why is silk a tough fibre? Structure analysis of silk proteins elastomericity by small angle x-ray and neutron scattering

Advisory Bodies

Member of the ILL College 5A Committee