ISIS Neutron training course registration now OPEN!
19 Oct 2016



The course will be taking place at ISIS 28th February till 9th March 2017, with accommodation at the Cosener’s House in Abingdon.

​Jienan Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Jack Hodkinso, University of Cambridge, working on the PEARL instrument during the 2016 Neutron Training Course. Credit: STFC

The ISIS Practical Neutron Training Course is aimed at PhD and post-doctoral researchers who have little or no experience of neutron scattering, but whose future research program aims to make use of neutron scattering techniques at ISIS. We stress that this is a hands-on course using the ISIS neutron instruments aimed at complete beginners.

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN and closes 23rd November 2016

For more information see the neutron training course webpage here
