25 Jan 2022







​In addition to the ISIS Leadership Team​, ISIS is supported by various oversight and advisory boards.

ISIS Science Advisory Committee (SAC)

The SAC advises the Director of ISIS on all matters to do with science and instrumentation.  Further details can be found on the SAC web page.

The ISIS Facility Board provides advice and oversight to all aspects of ISIS operations.  It reports to the STFC Director of Large Scale Facilities.  It consists of senior members of the community and other facilities.  The current membership is:

  • Meeting Chair: Phil Withers (Manchester)
  • Catrin Davies (Imperial)
  • Lorna Dougan (Leeds)​
  • Katia Pappas (TU ​Delft)
  • Fulvia Pilat (ORNL)
  • Neal Skipper (University College London)
  • Giovanna Fragneto (ESS)
  • Jacques Jestin (ILL)​

The ISIS User Committee represents the user community and provides advice to ISIS on all aspects of the user programme.  It meets twice per year, and has membership drawn from across the ISIS science areas.  Further details can be found on the IUC page on the ISIS website.

The ISIS Facility Access Panels (FAPs) meet twice per year to review all proposals that come into the facility for beamtime.  There are 9 panels, each consisting of experts in relevant areas from the science community.  The FAPs provide a recommendation to the ISIS Director of the experiments that should be run at the facility over the next 6-9 months.  Details of the panels can be found on the ISIS FAP page.

ISIS' larger projects may also have oversight boards which consist of external experts to advice and guide the project work at high level. For example, the ISIS Endeavour Programme of new instruments and large instrument upgrades has an oversight Board with members of the user community, other UK research councils and from other facilities.​​​

Contact: King, Philip (STFC,RAL,ISIS)