Responsibilities of the Principal Investigator on ISIS proposals
07 Oct 2011



The Principal Investigator on an ISIS proposal has specific responsibilities for the experiment.




The Principal Investigator has to:

  • ensure that a trained team capable of running the experiment on a 24 hour basis will be available and that the researchers will observe the appropriate regulations​, especially on safety, of ISIS and STFC. (This does not apply to Xpress Measurements where the team will not be present on site.)​
  • ensure that the information on the sample and the safety aspects of the experiment are correct and complete
  • nominate the people who have access to the experimental data
  • ensure that an experimental report is submitted within 3 months of experiment completion and that results from experiments at ISIS are published within a reasonable time frame
  • ensure that ISIS is acknowledged in publications and that ISIS staff, where appropriate, are included as authors

Note that research students cannot be Principal Investigators on ISIS proposals.
