TG120 20MHz Function Generator
10 Aug 2017







​The TG120 function generator is one of the most versatile instruments available. It can generate a variety of precision waveshapes over a range of frequencies from mHz to MHz. It can provide a wide range of controlled amplitudes from a low impedance source and maintain constant amplitude as the frequency is varied. Voltage control of frequency allows FM modulation to be introduced or can provide a swept frequency source for such tasks as frequency response testing.

TG120 20MHz Function Generator.JPG
 ISIS Electronics Internal Link​

Manufacturer's Website:|pcrid|78108461709|&gross_price=true&CATCI=aud-294759717834:pla-141994879269&CAAGID=20220726789&CMP=KNC-GUK-GEN-SHOPPING-AIM_TTI_INSTRUMENTS&CAGPSPN=pla&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI176CxerY1QIVp7vtCh1jMA8UEAYYASABEgLoUPD_BwE&CAWELAID=120173390000550347​
