TEMM 2020
29 May 2020







Virtual Theoretical & Experimental Magnetism Meeting (vTEMM) 2020 and UK-Japan Workshop on Strongly ​​Correlated Electron Systems

Location: Zoom

​​Dates: 6th to 7th July, 2020

Registration: Registration is now closed​


The meeting will start at 10:30 on Monday 6th July and will end at 16:00 on Tuesday 7th July.

The meeting is free to attend. Students and post-doctoral scientists are especially welcome. Talks will cover current research in both theoretical and experimental magnetism. 

The meeting is intended for anybody who wishes to become familiar with current research in magnetism in condensed matter physics, with the special emphasis to bring scientists from UK and abroad together to foster long-term collaborations. In particular we wish to bring together the UK and Japanese strongly correlated electron research communities.

Because of travel restrictions due to Coronavirus, this year we will be running TEMM as a virtual meeting (vTEMM) rather than at the usual venue of the Cosener's House in Abingdon. We will be using the Zoom platform to broadcast a series of live webinars for each of the planned sessions.

TEMM2020 is organised by the ISIS facility (STFC), the Institut Laue Langevin, the Institute of Physics Magnetism and Neutron Scattering Groups and the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPIPCS, Dresden).​

The meeting is funded by the following organisations: 

​ - ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source

 - Institut Laue-Langevin

 - The Institue of Physics Magnetism and Neutron Scattering Groups

 - The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

 - Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems



​​All times are given in BST​

Monday 6th July

10:15- 12:00 Session 1: Unconventional superconductivity and quantum magnetism 1

Chair: Toby Perring

10:15   Sean Langridge (ISIS Diffraction and Materials Division Head​)

Welcome and update on RAL-RIKEN (Japan) collaboration

10:25   Nobuo Ueno (Director, JSPS London)

Opening remarks from the JSPS London

10:30   Roser Valenti (ITP, Frankfurt, Germany)           

 Recent progress on topology, nematicity and correlations in Fe-based superconductors

11:00   Kazuaki Iwasa (Ibaraki University, Japan)

Effects of chiral-crystal-structure transformations on magnetic states and

 superconductivity in R3T4Sn13 (R = La and Ce, T = transition metal)

11:30   Dai Aoki (IMR, Tohoku University, Japan)

 New Uranium-Based Superconductor: UTe2 

12:00 – 13:00          Lunch


13:00 – 14:30 Session 2: Unconventional superconductivity and quantum magnetism 2

Chair: Elizabeth Blackburn

13:00   Malte Grosche (Cambridge)                       

Superconductivity in YFe2Ge2

13:30   Bella Lake​ (HZB, Berlin, Germany)              

The S-1/2, XXZ Antiferromagnetic chain in a Longitudinal Magnetic Field – experimental observation of Bethe Strings

14:00   Hidenori Takagi (MPI, Stuttgart, Germany)           

 Zero-gap semiconductor to excitonic insulator transition in Ta2NiSe5


14:30 – 15:00  Break


15:00 – 16:45 Session 3: Quantum magnetism and exotic materials 1

Chair:  Russell Ewings

15:00   Qimiao Si (Rice University)

Recent developments on heavy-fermion quantum criticality— from dynamical scaling to quantum entanglement

15:30   Owen Benton (MPI, Dresden, Germany)

Quantum Spin Liquids in Dipolar-Octupolar Pyrochlores

16:00   Sean Giblin (Cardiff University)

Single Ion Behaviour in a Pyrochlore Environment

16:30   Polly Watson (JSPS London)

Funding opportunities from JSPS London


Tuesday  7th July

9:00 – 10:30 Session 4: Theoretical quantum magnetism

Chair: Andrew Boothroyd

09:00   Masafumi Udagawa (Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan)

 Dynamics of fractional excitations in quantum spin liquids

09:30   Masaki Oshikawa (ISSP, Tokyo University)  

Electrons in honeycomb network

10:00   John Chalker (Oxford University)

Goldstone modes in the emergent gauge fields of a frustrated magnet

10:30 – 11:00  Break


11:00 – 12:20 Session 5: Strongly correlated electron systems 1

Chair:  Piers Coleman

11:00   Takahiro Onimaru (Hiroshima University)

Multipole-driven correlated electronic phenomena in non-Kramers rare-earth system

11:30   Yu Yamane (Hiroshima University, Japan)

 Single-site non-Fermi-liquid behaviors in a diluted 4f2 system Y1-xPrxIr2Zn20

11:50   Andrew Wildes (ILL, Grenoble)

Magnetic exchange in the quasi-two-dimensional honeycomb antiferromagnet FePS3


12:20 – 13:20          Lunch

13:20 – 14:50 Session 6: Strongly correlated electron systems 2

Chair:  Frank Kruger

13:20   Roderich Moessner (MPI, Dresden, Germany)

The remarkable usefulness of spin waves

13:50   Helen Walker (ISIS Facility)  

Understanding barocalorics through neutron scattering

14:20   Claudio Castelnovo (Cambridge)      

 Properties of spinon excitations at finite temperature in quantum spin liquids


14:50 – 15:20  Break


15:20 – 16:50 Session 7: Quantum magnetism and exotic materials 2

Chair​:  Siân Dutton

​15:20   Jon Goff (RHU, London)

Disorder as a tuneable resource to explore spin liquid behaviour

15:50   Chris Stock (Edinburgh University)   

Spin-​​orbit excitons in d-transition metal compounds

16:20   Paolo Radaelli (Oxford University)              

Real-space magnetic topology in oxide/metal heterostructures


16:50 Closing remarks


Contact: Ewings, Russell (STFC,RAL,ISIS)