03 Aug 2023



Large unit-cell nuclear and magnetic diffraction

Looking into the WISH instrument, showing the sample tank, and detectors beneath the shielding.

​​​​​​​​​​​​Inside the WISH instrument



WISH is a long-wavelength diffractometer primarily designed for powder diffraction at long d-spacing in magnetic and large unit-cell systems. The instrument is also suitable for measuring single-crystals. ​

Science Areas.

In complex systems, the magnetic structure has a large number of degrees of freedom (typically the three components of the magnetic moment on several inequivalent atoms), and the d-spacing range available to observe Bragg peaks is limited due to fall-off of the magnetic form factor.

High-resolution cold-neutron powder diffraction excels when multiple nearly overlapping Bragg peaks occur at long d-spacing. In this case, sheer flux is not sufficient to extract all the available information, and much better results can be obtained with a high-resolution diffractometer such as Wish, even at the cost of losing some flux.

  • Magnetism in covalent systems and under extreme conditions.

  • Large-unit-cell structures.

  • Biological samples.

View our online notice board of top science highlights​.

For further information please see: LC Chapon, P Manuel et al, Neutron News 22 (2011) 22-25.

Instrument dashboard.​

Contact information for the WISH beamline

Location and contact information for the WISH beamline

Telephone01235 567080
