Hydrogen Catalysis Lab December 2022
08 Dec 2022





The Hydrogen and Catalysis laboratory has been continuing its long and fruitful collaboration with Bill David's group, researching batteries and ammonia as H2 storage, along with various other collaborations.

General Updates

As a reminder, the Hiden Isochema IGAn (Intelligent Gravimetric Analyser neutron) instrument is available for use on beamlines. This equipment is complimentary to the Quantachrome Autosorb; while the Autosorb is a volumetric measurement system, the IGA is a gravimetric measurement, so measures changes in mass rather than volume, resulting in complementary measurements.

The IGA and TGA are also available with a mass spec unit for analysis of any gas phase material lost from the sample. Since the Autosorb is in high demand, the IGA is much more readily available for measurements currently.


The Hiden Isochema IGA (Intelligent Gravimetric Analyser) instrument in all its glory. There is also a version available for use on the beamlines, the Hiden Isochema IGAn (Intelligent Gravimetric Analyser neutron) instrument.


The lower part of the Hiden Isochema IGA (Intelligent Gravimetric Analyser) instrument.

For any further details about the Hydrogen Catalysis Lab or anything included on this page, please contact Dr James Taylor, and check out the Hydrogen and Catalysis Laboratory website.

Contact: Nye, Daniel (STFC,RAL,ISIS)