ISIS Science Advisory Committee
29 Jun 2022
- Philip King



The ISIS Science Advisory Committee (SAC) provides advice to the ISIS Director on all aspects of facility science and instrumentation.




​The role of the SAC is to advise the Director of ISIS on ISIS Operations and Development with respect to:

  • the current status and future prospects in relevant areas of scientific research;
  • the actions necessary for ISIS to make a relevant contribution to these areas, e.g. investment in instrumentation, techniques and ancillary facilities, and prioritisation;
  • areas of current scientific activity which are either growing or declining in relevance.

​The SAC consists of senior members of the UK and international community. As of March 2024 the membership is:

  • Meeting Chair: Richard Catlow (UCL, Cardiff)
  • Bill Stirling (ILL, ESRF)
  • Alan Tennant (ORNL)
  • Pascale Deen (ESS)
  • Michael Preuss (Manchester & Monash)​
  • Leila Moura (Belfast)
  • Adam Clancy (UCL)
  • Chris Ridley (ISIS)
  • Heloisa Nunes Bordallo (Copenhagen)
  • Andrew Goodwin (Oxford)
  • Ivana Evans (Durham)
  • Michael Toney (U. Colorado Boulder)
  • Tom Lancaster (Durham)
  • Stuart Clarke (Cambridge)
  • Markus Strobl (PSI)
  • Tim Hyde
The SAC meets twice per year.


Contact: King, Philip (STFC,RAL,ISIS)