Installing the Polaris supermicroscope at ISIS
14 Mar 2012



On November 11 2011, the £5 million Polaris instrument was installed at ISIS.




 Since we happened to be doing this major activity on the same day as the One Day on Earth project, we decided to make this our contribution to the project. Installing the instrument was the grand finale of more than 4 years of design and manufacture and new science results are expected very soon. The instrument measures the locations of atoms in materials that are being newly developed or in daily use.We call it a supermicroscope. The ISIS Neutron and Muon Source is located at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire.

Ron Smith:  “Hi, my name is Ron Smith. It’s the 11th of November, 2011, and our contribution to the One Day on Earth project takes place at the ISIS neutron and muon source, at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire, in the UK.

Jon Randall: “There are always apprehensions because we are lifting an instrument that is worth £5 million, four years in development and this is the final end of where we leave off and hand it over to the scientists.

My team and myself, we build the actual blockhouse that it goes into, so we have been involved in the project from the start, right up to the finish.

Ron Smith:  “I work on this instrument here which we are just building, which is called Polaris. It is a particle diffractometer and we measure the structures of materials and the structures of crystals. The instrument tells us where about the atoms are in the material”.

