Light Scattering
23 Apr 2010




There is a dual Static & Dynamic Light Scattering instrument available in the ISIS Materials Characterisation Laboratory.

The Light Scattering Kit in the R53 Materials Characterisation Lab.
The Light Scattering Kit in the R53 Materials Characterisation Lab.

The Light Scattering Kit in the R53 Materials Characterisation Lab.
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This is a Brookhaven instrument with a 35 mW He/Ne laser source, a PMT detector, a stepper-controlled goiniometer stage (covering 15 to 155 degrees), and a digital correlator (upto 522 channels, sampling time 25 ns to 40 ms; delay range 25 ns to 1,310 s).

This highly versatile instrument is suitable for both static (total intensity) and dynamic (photon correlation) light scattering measurements. Typical uses are for particle sizing (few nm to few hundred nm) or determining the molecular weight of polymers/proteins in solution.

Training is necessary prior to first use of the instrument. Contact Luke Clifton (Laser Responsible Officer).
