Neutron reflectometry data modelling and analysis
15 Jun 2021







ISIS operates five beamlines for measuring neutron reflectivity from interfaces, to investigate for example proteins on cell membranes, surfactants, to the magnetic coupling in multilayers and other functional materials.  

We are currently developing next generation data analysis software for reflectivity, which aims to be flexible, scalable and extendable, with clean and intuitive graphical user interfaces allowing specification of models, interaction with data, and seamless management of calculation jobs both locally and distributed on cluster or cloud resources. 

The tasks for this project include: 

  • ​​Creating graphical user interfaces and web portals to the in-house core calculation and data fitting kernel (RasCAL2) that is currently being re-engineered, and state-of-the art reflectivity analysis for magnetic scattering (Refl1d) 
  • Working with the in-house computational kernel author and scientific domain expert to establish professional software practices (unit and systems tests, continuous integration etc.) 
  • ​Adapting the calculation kernel in a containerised environment to utilise both local resources (including GPUs) and distributed on clusters or cloud-based environments 

You will work closely with members of the ISIS Neutron Reflectometry group, particularly the author of RasCAL and its successor RasCAL2, as well interacting with international collaborators.  For more information about the project, please contact

Contact: Moore, Lamar (STFC,RAL,ISIS)