We encourage science which exploits all of the facilities available on the Harwell Campus. Recognising that ISIS and Diamond Light Source are the two facilities with the largest overlapping user communities, we aim to make a simple access procedure which allows proposals to be reviewed once by a single review panel where both facilities are required for particular science.
Proposals which require access to both Diamond and ISIS must be submitted to only one of the facilities, considering the following factors:
Is most of the access required on one instrument / beamline? You should send the proposal to the facility where most access is needed.
Is the demand or competition for one of the instruments / beamlines considerably greater than all others? The proposal should be sent to the panel where the competition is highest. Each facility needs to ensure that the highest quality investigations are carried on all of its beamlines.
If you are unsure about which facility is most appropriate then please contact the following:
Andy Dent (andy.dent@diamond.ac.uk), Physical Science Coordinator, Diamond Light Source, and
Philip King (philip.king@stfc.ac.uk), Associate Director of partnerships and Programmes, ISIS
- Use the online proposal systems to flag that you wish access to the other facility during your submission. For example, there is a box to tick in the ISIS proposal system to say that you would like Diamond access, and selecting this requires a few additional questions to be answered regarding Diamond usage.
- Before you submit your proposal you should consult with Diamond and ISIS staff so that we can confirm that you have made the best choice for submission.
- The need for guaranteed access to both facilities must be justified explicitly within your science case.
- If the same proposal is submitted to both facilities, requesting the joint scheme in both, each proposal will be reviewed separately and not as part of the joint scheme.