SANS User Meeting 2023
01 Dec 2022



We would like to invite you to attend our first SANS User Meeting, to be held on Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st of January 2023 at The Cosener’s House, Abingdon, UK.




This in-person science meeting will consist of invited and contributed talks running over the Monday afternoon and Tuesday. A poster session preceded by flash presentations will be held on Monday and we encourage PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to submit their abstracts. Open discussions will follow facility presentations (instrument updates, computing and sample environment). To assist these we would like to encourage participants to fill a short questionnaire ISIS SANS User Meeting 2023 Questionnaire (​

To register for the meeting, pleas​e go to SANSUM 2023 Registration Form (​ Submissions for contributed talks are welcome from PhD students and early career researchers, as well as established users. Talks will be 20-minutes long (15 + 5 for questions) and should focus on research that was done on the SANS group's instruments. 

The deadline for abstract submission and registration the 15th of January 2023.​​

There is no registration fee for the meeting, and accommodation and all meals will be provided, but travel expenses will not be reimbursed. A provisional programme is shown below. 

If you wish to contribute a talk or a poster, please use the registration form to express your interest. To submit your abstract and/or if you have any questions regarding the meeting, please email

The list of confirmed speakers is below

Lorna Dougan, Leeds University
Roger Pynn, Indiana University
Peter Hatton, Durham University
Lars Bannenberg, Technical University of Delft
Hanna Barriga, Karolinska Institute​
Sepideh Khodaparast, Leeds University
Peter Hedström, KTH Royal Institute of Technology​
Andrey Brukhno, Daresbury Laboratory 
Jian Lu, University of Manchester
Stephanie Burg, University of Sheffield​
Yiqiang Wang, UK Atomic Energy Authority​
David Barlow, University of Manchester​

Provisional Programme
Monday 30th JanuaryTuesday 31st January
Registration, Check-in and CoffeeCheck-out of rooms​
LunchScience Session 2
13:25-15:0510:50 - 12:10
Science Session 1Science Session 3
Facility PresentationsScience Session 4
Poster Flash presentationsStructured Discussion
Setup PostersRefreshments & Depart
Poster Session


Contact: Mahmoudi, Najet (STFC,RAL,ISIS)