SasView: modelling and analysis of small angle neutron scattering data
19 Apr 2021







Small angle neutron scattering data analysis at ISIS is primarily vested in a program called SasView (  This is free-to-use, Open Source, is used by hundreds of academic and industrial researchers around the world, and has featured in over 500 peer-reviewed scientific publications in the last decade. 

SasView is developed and maintained by a friendly international collaboration of contributors from more than ten partner organisations, including ISIS, principally based in the US, EU and UK. The SasView codebase is hosted on GitHub ( development is presently facilitated by best practice continuous integration (CI) and agile workflows. 

ISIS is seeking to significantly increase its contribution to the development of SasViewAccordingly we are looking to recruit a talented individual with a genuine interest in scientific software development to help improve the functionality and performance of the program by deploying their domain knowledge to the benefit of the collaboration. 

One key initial task of this role will be to significantly develop the capabilities of the model-fitting framework within SasView, the key functionality of the program, and to improve how the program user interacts with it. 

Key tasks will include, but are not limited to: 

  • * Expanding the current library of available model functions and further developing the Model Marketplace 

  • * Investigating and developing ‘(semi-)intelligent’ model selection schemes 

  • *Implementing new and alternative fitting optimisers and numerical integration schemes 

  • * Expanding the codebase that can use parallelisation, multiple cores and GPUs 

  • * Improving the handling of instrumental resolution calculations 

However, SasView is a dynamic collaboration and there will be many other opportunities for you to make a lasting and visible contribution to the program. 

For more information about this project, please contact

Contact: King, Stephen (STFC,RAL,ISIS)