Space Weather - Atmospheric Radiation and Effects
05 May 2016



The meeting will be held at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory on the 5th May 2016 and will be of interest to academics and industry alike.

​​Credit: NASA

The final programme will be available shortly that will include an opportunity to visit the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, including ChipIR. ​

Speakers for the meeting so far:

- Mike Hapgood (RAL Space, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
- Clive Dyer (Surrey University)
- Mike Lockwood (Reading University)
- Luke Barnard (Reading University)
- Keith Ryden (Surrey University)
- Alex Hands (Surrey University)
- Andrew Chugg (MBDA)
- Chris Frost (ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)

The sun’s activity has a profound effect on the earth’s magnetic and radiation environment and consequently impacts upon our use of technology for both satellites that operative outside of the Earth’s atmosphere and for avionic and ground based systems deep within it.

Our understanding of atmospheric space weather phenomenon is improving but currently limited. What is clear is that interest in this natural hazards has been growing within the scientific, political and commercial spheres as the potential for space weather to disrupt the multitudes of electrical and computer technologies on which our modern society increasingly relies upon is being realised and understood.

This meeting will primarily focus on one aspect of severe and extreme space weather - the large increases in the radiation levels within the Earth’s atmosphere that can occur during space weather events and the potential this has for disrupting aviation and ground based electronic and computer systems.

Themes within the meeting will include:

- What is space weather? The size, scale and probabilities of space weather events
- The nature of space weather atmospheric radiation and its impact
- Progress on standards for atmospheric radiation space weather events
- Measurements of atmospheric space radiation
- Instrumentation to simulate the atmospheric radiation

Target Station 2

Target Station 2
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Registration is now open and can be found here.

For more information, please contact or

Directions to the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory can be found here.

The meeting is also being held just before the RADFAC 2016 meeting on the 4th May 2016 which is a meeting run for early stage researchers as part of the RADECS Association.
