TEMM 2018
16 Oct 2018







Theoretical & Experimental Magnetism Meeting (TEMM) 2018 & IoP Magnetism - TCM Joint Symposium​

Location: Cosener's House, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK

The meeting will start at 10:30 am on Monday 23rd July and is expected to end at 16:30 on Wednesday 25th July. The meeting is intended for anybody who wishes to become familiar with current research in magnetism in condensed matter physics with the special emphasis to bring scientists from UK and abroad together to foster long-term collaborations.  Students and post-doctoral scientists are especially welcome.  Talks will cover current research in both theoretical and experimental magnetism.  The meeting will be preceded by the Condensed Matter Physics in the City programme from 11th to 22nd June 2018.

TEMM2018 is organised by ISIS facility STFC, ILL, Diamond, IBS-CCES, the IoP Magnetism and Neutron Scattering Groups and the Hubbard Theory Consortium, PSI and CCP-mag (EPSRC).

The meeting is partly funded by, ISIS, ILL, Diamond, IBS-CCES, the IoP Magnetism and Neutron scattering groups,  the Hubbard Theory Consortium, and PSI.


Programme (pdf)



​Registration is now closed - the meeting has reached full capacity!

