9T chopper magnet
22 Oct 2009



9T chopper magnet. This is a wide angle magnet used mainly on spectrometry experiments. This magnet has a large sample diameter of 50mm and very wide beam windows 80° in the horizontal and 30° in the vertical whilst still producing a high field strength w

9T chopper magnet

If you have any questions about this equipment or you think you may want to use one on your experiment contact the sample environment team, or the respective instrument scientist.

Parameter: Value:
Field 9T at 4.2K
Sample space Ø 48mm (diameter)
Cold Split Vertical 70mm  Wide and ±15˚ To Ø 25mm x 25mm Long Cylinder
Cold Split Horizontal 80˚ to Ø 25mm cylinder Ø40mm normal to angled openings
Homogeneity <0.4% over Ø 10x10 cylinder
<2.5% over Ø 25x25 cylinder
Persistance 1 part in 10,000 per hour.
Current <148 amps