Ionising Radiation
06 Nov 2010



Ionising Radiation - Introduction




Ionising Radiation is present in the natural environment due to naturally occurring processes.

ISIS generates ionising radiation in the form of proton and neutron beams, and adventitious gamma radiation associated with these beams. Other sources of ionising radiation you may encounter whilst working here are X-ray generators, activated samples and laboratory check sources.

All work with ionising radiation in Great Britain must be carried out in accordance with the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 (IRR99). This main aim of this legislation is to ensure that exposure to ionising radiation from work activities is kept as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP), and does not exceed dose limits specified in the Regulations.

The unit of radiation dose is the Sievert (Sv). 1 Sv is a very large dose, and typical workplace doses are measured in µSv or mSv. The average annual dose to the UK population from all sources of radiation (including medical exposures) is 2.7 mSv .

IRR99 specifies that anyone who is not a classified radiation worker, including members of the public, must not receive more than 1 mSv per year as a result of work with ionising radiation. Doses to users at ISIS are kept well below 1 mSv per year and are reviewed monthly by the Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA).


For more information on radiation and doses please contact Xavier Queralt.

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