Muon spectroscopy

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Muonium atom trapped inside a buckyball

Muon Spectroscopy provides a probe of materials at an atomic level.

The ISIS Muon Group operates six muon spectrometers for condensed matter and molecular studies using both positive and negative muons. These spectrometers are used by researchers from around the world for a wide range of studies that include investigations in the areas of magnetism, superconductivity, charge transport, molecular and chemical studies, modelling hydrogen behaviour in, for example, semiconductors or proton conductors, and elemental analysis. The instrumentation operated by this group is currently undergoing an exciting period of development, with plans for new and state-of-the-art instruments (for both positive and negative muon studies). The group is also developing novel calculation methods, such as density functional theory (DFT) techniques, to help with the understanding of experiment results.


Muon Spectroscopy Instruments at ISIS


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Alternative techniques