X-Ray Diffraction
01 Feb 2020



The Materials Characterisation Laboratory houses state-of-the-art diffraction kit facilitating advanced measurements of single crystal, powder, liquid and thin-film samples.





Rigaku Smartlab

The Rigaku Smartlab is a state-of-the-art X-ray diffractometer, also capable of acting as a reflectometer with a variety of sample environments and optical configurations. The instrument provides high resolution data at a fast rate using a high brilliance rotating anode source.​​

Further information and specifi​cations

Rigaku Miniflex

The Rigaku Miniflex is a fast and efficient benchtop diffraction system producing high-quality results. It can be used in conjunction with the Smartlab​ to further expedite the process of getting high-quality powder and thin-film XRD data.

Further information and specifications​

Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-S Single Crystal Diffractometer  

The Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-S instrument is a fast single-crystal diffractometer and is available for sample screening, structure analysis and other crystallographic experiments on organic, inorganic and organometallic crystal samples.​

Further information and specifications​​

Xenocs Small Angle X-ray Scattering Nano-inXider​

The Xenocs Nano-inXider Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) instrument analyses the elastic scattering behaviour of X-rays. The instrument can provide information on the particle size and shape as well as the distribution thereof and other structural information. It can also provide dynamic analysis with the influence of temperature on structure.​

Further information and specifications​​

​Laue Crystal Orientation System

The instrument collects a high ​resolution X-ray diffraction pattern from the single crystal out of which the right crystallographic plane cut can be selected with excellent accuracy. It allows real-time crystal orientation down to 0.1 degrees accuracy. The system delivers an intense X-ray beam with less than 0.3 mm on sample.​​

Further information and specifications​​

PANalytical X'Pert Pro

A further X-ray diffractometer, housed in the second target station, uses a Ag X-ray source and is optimised for the study of amorphous materials (PDF analysis). This instrument is operated by the ISIS Disordered Materials Group.​

Users are encouraged to contact the laboratory manager in advance of their visit to enquire about instrument availability. 
